Precautions after installation of LCD splicing screen products

Precautions after installation of LCD splicing screen products

LCD splicing screens belong to electronic products. From purchase and installation, they must be in accordance with the specifications of electronic products. Users think that the product is installed, and after debugging, they can sit back and relax, but it is a big mistake. The basic products are left intact and undamaged. , Will there be a lot of problems only when the product is in the hands of the user? Is it a product quality problem? This is possible, but it is actually caused by improper use of the product.

Precautions after installation of LCD splicing screen products

1. After receiving the product from the customer, please carefully check whether the product is damaged during the logistics process. If you find obvious damage, it indicates that the LCD splicing screen is not working properly, please contact us in time.

2. Open the access screen process: first turn on the computer, then turn on the screen. When turning off the screen: Turn off the screen first, and then turn off the computer (If you turn off the computer first, the screen is bright and the light bulb is easy to burst, which may cause serious consequences.)

3. When switching the LCD screen, the interval should be greater than 100 seconds.

4. For the power supply (for example, when the LCD display is turned on), you cannot plug in or unplug the serial port of the communication cable. Otherwise, the circuit board chips are easily baked, the screen is not bright, and the consequences are very serious.

5. After the computer enters the large-screen control software, the screen can be turned on.

6. If the surge current of the current system is too large.

Although LCD splicing screens have a longer lifespan than household products, they are also very fragile. Improper use will only increase the loss of the product. Users must learn more about the rules of use during use!

Post time: Oct-27-2021